Tuesday, June 14, 2005


I've got this !#$%ing ulcer in my mouth, and its killing me. It's been over a week now, and it still hasn't gone away, and it's in a position right up between my gums where I can't treat it directly either. Everytime I start eating, have a drink, or go brush my teeth, it totally paralyses the left part of my face with pain. Its times like these where I appreciate how comfortable it is when I'm normally healthy, painfree, and it sometimes surprises me how I can so soon and soeasily forget what it's like when it does hurt. I've been taking some Vitamin B (who knows?) this past week, and it's also been interesting for me to see that I've taken the tablet more consistently on the days that it has been worse, or when I get some acute pain. It's truly amazing what a motivational influence pain can be, as I'm sure many people throughout history have known.


SS said...

Oh dear... I had that a couple of weeks ago too... it lasted MORE THAN A WEEK!! - so it's only just healed recently. It was just before my exams... so I attribute it to stress --> decreased immune function --> aphthous ulcer...

Hopefully yours will disappear soon... I recommend rinsing your mouth with salt too!

=) Sally

Anonymous said...

u r more like a fgtchops

lolz!! ! ! ! ! ! 1 11 1one 1one