Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Today, I accompanied a geriatrician for a house visit. Generally got an idea of what happens in a home visit, the assessment, the options for management, the goals, and so and so forth. When it got to finishing the history, I finally did something useful (for once), the Distracting Neuro Exam! As the doctor came to the point where she had all she needed to get from the patient, she got me to take the patient aside and perform various examinations so that she could go and talk with the relatives a bit more privately. So here I was, putting out all sorts of hammers, tissues and things, and tapping and prodding the patient here and there with my little sideline act, without a clue on earth what I was doing (god i need some physical examination practice). Next time I'll have to bring some bananas and a monkey suit.

Yesterday, in the most boring team meeting I've ever had to endure (10/10 pain), I encountered a Dr. Scott Wilson. Now, I had heard of him being around somewhere in the hospitals, but never actually met him. So in the course of the meeting, he walked in, got introduced by the consultant (he himself is reg or something) and that was that. Now, this in itself has no meaning, its just that I had a good friend back in high-school by the same name, and I thought nothing more of it after that. This morning, I boarded my train, got out my book to read, went through a few stops, and then heard someone approaching, calling my name. Of course, who else could it be but Scott Wilson, whom I had only seen on occasion once after 6 years leaving school. We caught up a bit of course, and exchanged numbers and made plans to catch up more in the holidays. Even more strange is that he normally catches that exact train (on my line) from Cheltenham, and that I've never bumped into him before. Now, I could of course say this was in some way 'fate', or at least much more than a coincidence, having both first met Dr. Wilson and Scott one right after the other, when previously I could have met them at any other, earlier times. Why all of a sudden now? But then again, perhaps at having met the Dr. Wilson first, it had got my mind thinking, and hence I was unconsciously looking out for Scottand had recognised him straight away and it has registered in my memory (not the case today, as it was he that approached me, not I him). What I think is likely though, is that if i hadn't bumped into my friend today, I wouldn't have written this down here today. What's more, if I had (and have in the past) encountered something that is out of the ordinary, or that jogs a memory or something, that if I had encountered the same again soon after, that I would then go on to remember this and make something out of it. I would only remember the times where this situation has occurred, and of course, not remember the times where, lo and behold, no co-incidences have occur. Shit happens, and so life goes on.

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