Monday, June 13, 2005

jim's party

Haven't done anything this weekend, apart from going to Jim's 23rd last night. It's sometimes seems amazing to me how unstressed I am, seeing that exams are coming up in a few weeks' time. Maybe its just my perception on how easy I think it will be, or something, but it has been a trend with me to leave things at the last minute... hopefully this won't just be another case of that.

I've been annoyed, always have been but more so lately, at people who say things or do things just to get recognition or to show off. After such a comment is made, I normally ponder for a while, analysing the context and content of the deed, just to try and see what the intention was. If it ends up being self-inflatatory, it really starts irratating me. For example, some of the gossip I listen to sometimes seems to be said just so the person saying so can make (or think) themselves like they're really great friends with the person they heard it from, or whom the information concerns, or that they're better because they knew before you, or know more than you. It's as if they're saying, "Oh, didn't you know that? I found out weeks ago. You're not really with it are you?". Even more annoying is when people barge in when a question is asked, right in the middle of when you're giving the answer, or straight after. It all seems to be in an effort to go "Me Me ME! Look at this knowledge I have! Aren't I Good?!". At these times, I usually give up, stop competing in the noisy battle trying to get a word in edgewise, and sit in silence, in great irritation. The most annoying thing is, though, when I catch myself doing the same thing. I've found myself mentioning things, or even repeating comments if I think others haven't heard. Afterwards, I think back to what I've said, and what reasons I could have had for it.. and if it does seem that I've said it for the above reasons, then I feel ashamed and tell myself to be more careful in the future. I just don't see a point in saying something only to make yourself seem better, or more knowledgable, just for the sake of it, without any added value in the information itself.


Anonymous said...

Oh, didn't you know that people are like that? I found out years ago!


FLuFFy_BuG said...

yeh, reali true gal ;p i am guilty as charged... but sometimes it feels really strange jus sitting back, ready to yell out something, and having to put a lid on it jus to prevent self annoying others...

i guess i don't mind it... coz often i can be the loudmouth... and i know it... ;p pride will bring me down if i keep on going like that tho... so shall make more effort in future ;p

SS said...

I read somewhere that gossip serves the role of power-play in human society... it was almost exactly as you said, suggesting that people propagate gossip in order to attain a higher social position, power status. The exclusivity of knowledge, and also the bestowing of attention on the exclusive holder of the knowledge, confers power and status. I'm sure it's something that we've all felt, being part and parcel of human nature... whether it's a good thing or not... I guess that depends on the whole range of motivations and reasons that we have in sharing a piece of information ('gossip') - if it's all selfish or for the other person's benefit too... hey, it's a funny paradox isn't it?... exclusive knowledge gives you power, but that power is only realised with you share the knowledge with others, thereby diminishing some of your power over others? Hmmm power is self-destructive... ;-p