Sunday, August 21, 2005


Why do I blog?

I've been wondering for a while. I don't think that I particularly blog for exactly the same reasons as other people do...

I don't I particularly type for others to see. It's purpose is not really for others to see, and for me, I don't think that essentially it should make much difference what others think of me. Ideally, it should just be my own feelings that are produced, and it shouldn't matter what others judge me by, as I should have integrity, and just go by what I evaluate to be best. In other words, I shouldn't have to cave in to peer pressure and discard my own beliefs, even if the majority think I might be mistaken, and I have some evidence to support my beliefs. On the other hand, I can see that being human is being in a part of a social group... that we are not islands and that especially in this modern world, that we rely more and more upon others to survive. It is the fact that we as humans are social animals that necissitates us interacting with others to go on with our everyday existence.

I find that I may have ideas that I get during the day. But when it come to the evening, when I have time to record them, I seem to forget what I had though about. Recently, I've taken to jotting down ideas during the day, and now I've been able to record some of the things that pass through my mind. This, is in fact, one of the reasons, i think, that I blog. I feel that there are many ideas that I get that may in fact be useful (for the future), but that I more often that not forget every day. The idea of blogging therefore captures some of the soon-to-be-forgotten ideas and makes sure that they are on file that I may browse back on them in the future, and perhaps expand on them.

Perhaps another minor reason is that I can practice my typing. I seem to be getting through an aweful lot of words doing this.

I think one reason that I blog that perhaps is not followed up upon is the discussion of ideas. I find it especially interesting when people comment and discuss ideas that have been raised, and that new views on ideas are raised, and perhaps can be discussed. The only problem I find is that people often as not don't follow up on discussions, and I find that what would otherwise be interesing threads, end up dying.


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