Friday, November 17, 2006

Day 1: Tuesday 3rd of October (Melb -> Tokyo)


Leaving with only the clothes I needed, a JR rail pass, some money and things, and a 3-day hotel booking, I made my way to... Tokyo!

Day 1: Tuesday 3rd of October (Melb -> Tokyo)

The journey started of course with a trip to McDonalds at Melbourne airport, before a very long flight direct to Tokyo. No drinkies for me this time, as I wanted to stay awake and be adjusted to the local time once I arrived (plus I didn't particularly want to run to the toilet every half an hour). There was the original plan to map out my next few days' travel around Tokyo on my aeroplane journey using my trusty Lonely Planet guide (henceforth known as LP), but instead ended watching 3 movies on the inflight entertainment system.

Arrived in Tokyo, a bit warmer and mustier than Melbourne. Tried for a while to work out how to get a train into the city, and got on a platform hoping it was the right one. Had my first shot at trying to communicate with the locals, I'm pretty sure my konnichiwa went down quite well. Took a train from Narita to Ueno station, and seeing that it looked close to my hotel in Asakusa on the little LP map, I decided to take a stroll, around to my home for the next 3 days, 10kg backpack in tow.

Already busy on a Tuesday night, I roamed around towards my destination amongst the many stares from passers-by that would be common on my trip, through the old-style lanes of an Old Tokyo in one of the not so modern suburbs, and thoroughly got myself lost. With less people around in Asakusa, it was harder get help, and after what I later realised to be incorrect directions given to me by police, I eventually found my way into a 7-11 store and got the right bearing towards my hotel. After more than 2 hours of aimless wandering around semi-familiar landmarks, dark alleys and old wooden facades, I eventually made my sweaty way into my hotel.

A business style hotel, much like the ones here, except smaller. Had its own ensuite and 2 singles. Overall quite comfortable, but probably could have found cheaper.

Start: Footscray, Melbourne
End: Hotel Skycourt Asakusa, Tokyo

Yennage: about 2400

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